All the coursework completed or in-progress is below, organized by either department and level or by quarter taken. An asterisk indicates graduate-level coursework.
Computer Science
- CS32: Introduction to Computer Science II (F23)
- CS33: Introduction to Computer Organization (F24)
- CS35L: Software Construction (F24)
- CSM51A: Digital Logic Design (F23)
- CSM146: Introduction Machine Learning (W24)
- CS180: Introduction to Algorithms and Complexity (F24)
- CSM151B: Computer Architecture (W25)
- CS131: Programming Languages (W25)
- CS132: Compiler Construction (S25, in progress)
- CS133: Parallel and Distributed Computing (S25, in progress)
- CS111: Operating Systems (S25, in progress)
- CS162: Natural Language Processing (S25, in progress)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE133A: Applied Numerical Computing (F23, site)
- ECE131A: Probability and Statistics (W24)
- ECE149: Foundations of Computer Vision (W24, site)
- ECEC147: Neural Networks and Deep Learning (W24)
- ECE231E*: Channel Coding Theory (S24)
- ECE239AS*: Special Topics - Advanced Neural Networks and Deep Learning (S24)
- ECE231A*: Information Theory (F24)
- ECE236A*: Linear Programming (F24)
- ECE236B*: Convex Optimization (W25, site)
- ECE239AS*: Special Topics - Computational Imaging (W25)
- MATH33B: Differential Equations (F23)
- MATH61: Discrete Structures (F23)
- MATH171: Stochastic Processes (S25, in progress)
- PHIL31: Logic, First Course (W24)
- PHIL128: Philosophy of Computation (S24)
- PHIL133C: Philosophy of Statistics (S24)