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Raayan Dhar

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About Me

I am an undergraduate studying Computer Science at the University of California, Los Angeles.

This summer I'm a software development intern at Amazon. I also do research in LLM safety as part of UCLA's CompML lab. Previously, I worked on privacy-preserving machine learning as a Non-trivial fellow and modeled Monte-Carlo simulations for drug discovery functional screening at the Paegal Lab.

Contact Me

See what I'm up to on Twitter. Check out my projects here.

You can access my email here.


Fall 2024:

ECE231A: Information Theory*

CS180: Algorithms

CS35L: Software Construction

CS33: Introduction to Computer Organization

Spring 2024:

ECE231E: Channel Coding Theory*

ECE239AS: Advanced Neural Networks and Deep Learning*

PHIL128: Philosophy of Computation

PHIL133C: Philosophy of Statistics

Winter 2024:

ECEC147: Neural Networks and Deep Learning

CSM146: Machine Learning

ECE131A: Probability and Statistics

ECE149: Foundations of Computer Vision

PHIL31: Logic

Fall 2023:

ECE133A: Applied Numerical Computing

MATH33B: Differential Equations

MATH61: Discrete Structures

CS32: Introduction to Computer Science II

CSM51A: Digital Logic Design

* indicates graduate level course

Website inspired by Dexter Chua


Pseudo-Orthonogal Matrices