Pseudo-Orthogonal Matrices

TODO: Add more interesting things about Pseudo-Orthogonal matrices, i.e., Nick Higham's blog post, etc.

Prof. Vandenberghe has a great set of additional exercies where I ran across the idea of an pseudo-orthogonal matrix, defined as follows. He first defines a signature matrix, a square matrix with diagonal elements are either \(+1\) or \(-1\). Then if \(S\) is a signature matrix, and \(A\) is a square matrix that satisfies: $$ A^TSA = S $$ then we say that \(A\) is pseudo-orthogonal with respect to \(S\). The exercise I'm referencing is exercise 6.11.


To show that $$ A = S - \frac{2}{u^TSu} uu^T $$ is pseudo-orthogonal, we have the following: $$ \begin{aligned} A^TSA &= \left(S - \frac{2}{u^TSu}uu^T \right)^T S \left(S - \frac{2}{u^TSu}uu^T\right) \\ &= \left(S^T - \frac{2}{u^TSu}uu^T \right) S \left(S - \frac{2}{u^TSu}uu^T \right) \ \text{(distributing transpose)} \\ &= \left(I - \frac{2}{u^TSu} uu^TS\right)\left(S - \frac{2}{u^TSu}uu^T\right) \ \text{(note: \(SS = I\))} \\ &= S - \frac{2}{u^TSu} uu^T - \frac{2}{u^T S u} S uu^T S + \frac{4}{(u^TSu)^2} u(u^TSu)u^T \ \text{(distributing)} \\ &= S - \frac{4}{u^TSu} uu^T + \frac{4}{u^TSu} uu^T \text{(since \(S\) is diagonal, can be moved anywhere as an operation)} \\ &= S \end{aligned} $$ as desired.


To show that \(A\) is invertible, first note that since \(S\) is a diagonal matrix, then it has an inverse: itself \(SS = I\). Then, we have the following: $$ \begin{aligned} S &= A^TSA \\ SS &= SA^TSA \\ I &= SS A^TA \\ I &= A^TA \end{aligned} $$ so \(A\) has an inverse: \(A^T\).


If \(A\) is psuedo-orthogonal, then we can then have the following setup: $$\begin{aligned} Ax &= b \\ A^TSAx &= A^TSb \\ Sx &= A^TSb \\ SSx &= SA^TSb \\ x &= SSA^Tb \\ x &= A^Tb \end{aligned} $$ the matrix-vector multiplication \(A^Tb\) costs \(O(n^2)\) FLOPs, and that is the only multiplication we need to do.


If \(A\) is is pseudo-orthogonal, then we have the following: $$\begin{aligned} A^TSA &= S \\ ASA^TSA &= A \ \text{(\(SS = I\))} \\ ASA^TSAA^{-1} &= AA^{-1} \\ ASA^TS &= I \\ ASA^TSS &= S \\ ASA^T &= S \end{aligned} $$ as desired.